Alienum pha edrum torquatos nec eu, vis detra xit per iculis ex, nihil ex petendis in mei. Mei an per icula

Alienum pha edrum torquatos nec eu, vis detra xit per iculis ex, nihil ex petendis in mei. Mei an per icula

Alienum pha edrum torquatos nec eu, vis detra xit per iculis ex, nihil ex petendis in mei. Mei an per icula

Alienum pha edrum torquatos nec eu, vis detra xit per iculis ex, nihil ex petendis in mei. Mei an per icula

My Story
I am extremely grateful for the gift of life I have been granted and know that I must pass this gift of love and joy via my artistic expression. I have lived in Orange County California for the past 40 years and I am originally from Iran. I should say that I have grown up in Orange County, as much of my spiritual and artistic growth has occurred in the past three decades. I mainly work with encaustic and mixed media, as well as three dimensional art and sculptures that encompass natural ingredients including seaweed and tree barks.
I usually start with a vague vision and I am always astounded by the outcome. It is as if my hands are in the hands of a greater power, moving and shaping the artwork. At times the brush goes into the wrong bucket that carries a color never intended to be used in the piece, bringing it to life in a magical way; as though a teacher puts on the final touch to complete the piece.

The Artist
Ferdos Maleki was born to a cultured family and raised predominantly by her grandmother in the city of Rasht, on the Caspian Sea Coast of Iran. From her earliest years, Ferdos was fascinated by concepts involving universal connectedness and was naturally drawn to the arts. Her grandmother turned her on to the intoxicating words of Hafez and Rumi, and as a young child she brought those stories to life in her paintings.
She had studied sociology in National University of Iran, before migrating to the USA in 1984. She continued her education in California. She studied fashion, art and painting. She later taught drawing and design at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) for 20 years.
Throughout the years, she has exhibited her work in numerous art galleries in Laguna Beach, CA. In 2013, she was selected as one of 50 boundary smashing artists by the California Contemporary Art Journal. She has also worked with interior designers creating custom-tailored artwork for many beautiful homes in Southern California.
Ferdos has always been drawn to a spiritually-centered life, seeking knowledge and wisdom from many masters throughout the years. She began teaching Insight Meditation in 1999. She still continues in that endeavour. In her numerous lectures and videos, she invites all to an inner path, enabling the discovery of their true essence. Her teaching intends to provide access to a transcendental place of being, an inner field of consciousness, where ALL IS. Her art work has always been greatly influenced by her spiritual practices.
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